1. General Grants are open to any faculty and staff for the development and implementation of innovative curriculum up to $1000.00 These grants are funded from money raised through employee payroll deduction and the Lansing Educational Advancement Foundation (LEAF).
2. Health and Wellness Grants are open to school nurses, health and physical education teachers.
How are Excellence in Education Grants awarded?
LEAF sends Excellence in Education Grant application forms to all Lansing School District schools and teachers in September; applications are due the second Friday in October. Each teacher/school may request up to $1,000 for the General Grant; and $500 for the Health and Wellness Grant. Excellence in Education Grants must be endorsed by the principal.
The rubric used to award the Excellence in Education Grants is based on the following:
• Completion of application and budget
• Clarity of statement of need, innovation, and creativity
• Number of students involved or impacted
• Strength of evaluation.
Proposals are reviewed and scored by a selection committee comprised of LEAF trustees, the LEAF Specialist, Lansing School District Area Directors, and district personnel. As a grant requirement, Excellence in Education Grant recipients must furnish a final report, evaluation and itemized financial accounting at the conclusion of the project. Excellence in Education Grant funds must be spent within one calendar year from the receipt of the award letter.